Pa-shih Concept Store

Type : Hospitality | Interior
Size : 86 sq.m
Collaborator : Nid Design Lab
Location : Taichung, Taiwan
Status : Completed

Pa-shih Concept Store located in Taichung Opera House is a collective effort between Nic (Nid Design Lab) and Kai (Collective Practice).

The initial idea of the design was developed through the study of the brand’s story. The understanding of the history, the brand started as a small shop in the Fengchia Night Market in Taichung and has expanded all the way to Songshan Cultural Park in Taipei. Both founders are dedicated to the making of Mesona dessert while staying true to themselves. The Chinese idiom “Hills need not be high; presence of gods gains them fame” reflects on the extended value of the brand through both the products and the space.

The design concept would like to resonance the Taichung Opera House and to inject the brand spirit into the space.

The design focuses on the brand’s symbol of “mountain” and the “water” which signifies a timeless value. The free-form bar is an extension from the Opera House and leads the visitors to come to know and taste the brand. The bar is treated with a layer of concrete with washed pebble as the finished surface, a technique that was imported to Taiwan in the early days of Japanese colonial rule. The texture of the pebble draws its association with the nature, under different lighting together with the undulating surface create a settle yet rich effect, to symbolize the cultural heritage and innovation of the brand.



項目 : 服務 | 室內設計
面積 : 86 sq.m
合作單位 : 川果設計
位置 : 臺灣 • 臺中市
狀態 : 已建成

八時神仙草位於臺中國家歌劇院的形象概念店是由Nic (川果設計)與Kai (合舍設計) 共同聯合創作。





house of beauty


garzitto factory phase 2